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Many, many illnesses and conditions can be treated. Not all can be cured, but relief can be achieved in most cases. Pain relief is a major benefit however, wether by illness or accident. The range of products available, includes all sizes of plates for different conditions for all members of a family including your pets too. Trips to the Vet can be reduced and costly treatments for your pets. I have had personal experience and success with Dogs & horses.  Our large plates for example are ideal placed in the bottom of a cat or dogs basket for when ever they sleep or rest.
The energy that they absorb will keep them younger for longer.
Many people with sleep disorders benefit from a large plate under their pillows. Creating a suitable base for a good nights sleep.
Large plates are ideal for fighting Electro Magnetic Fields (EMFs) in the home. Tests have proven that with Wi-Fi and wireless products, especially Smart Meters and cell phones our bodies are having to cope with higher frequencys than they were designed for, thus creating illnesses like depression etc. The full impact of this constant bombardment of our bodies is by and large ignored but will become apparent in due time. By that time many lives will have ended sooner rather than later. We list all the options available to you to keep your family safer for longer. All the items are shown with the benefits likely to be enjoyed.










Jay, was suffering from restless and sometimes lack of a good nights sleep. We advised on a large plate for use under his pillow. And a credit card size to carry with him at all times. Jay now enjoys a refreshing nights sleep.

Jay from the UK.

Susan came to us as a classic Migraine suffer. Once again we advised on a large plate under her pillow every night and a small plate to carry around with her. She places the small plate on her forehead at the first signs of an attack and is usually back to normal within 30 to 60 minutes.

Susan from the UK.



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